You’re Having A Baby?! Congratulations!

I remember when we found out we were expecting. I was sick the entire first trimester, so hiding it was impossible.

Once we hit 13 weeks, we were so excited!

I was feeling better and the reality was starting to sink in. We are having a baby! We wanted to tell everyone we knew and post every single baby update on Facebook.

ultrasound edit

I was never into babies or small children before I was pregnant, but suddenly I couldn’t get enough of them.

Looking back, we were precious.

Adorable, really.

We knew on some level that we were naive and didn’t know what we were in for, but man, we REALLY didn’t know what we were in for.

I met a sweet young man the other day. He is expecting a baby. He and his wife are just a few weeks in.

In retrospect, I’m certain the second I walked into the Verizon store with my tiny one’s in tow, he was just waiting for his chance to tell me.

I was not in a good way.

I had woken up late and didn’t have time to shower or put make-up on before we left for a play date. My hair was thrown into a disheveled ponytail.

At the end of the play date, Z was more misbehaved than I have ever seen her. Sometimes she doesn’t listen, but she was being a big-time punk about it. And it was making me CRAZY.

The boy was antsy because he needed a nap.

And of course, the reason I was at the Verizon store in the first place, my phone broke while we were at the play date.

In case you missed that last part, my phone was not working.

Black screen.

No little apple.


Enter Verizon store and beaming father-to-be Verizon employee that couldn’t wait to talk babies with me.

I was a disaster on the verge of tears.

The girl wanted to play with the brightly colored phone cases. She kept pulling them down and saying, “Mommy, look at all these pretty phones!”

The boy wanted to run around and touch everything. Did I mention he was covered in PB&J? He was.

It wasn’t until I noticed he only had one sock on, that I was finally able to see the humor in the situation.

Crazy, overwhelmed mom with two very young children about to lose it in the middle of a Verizon store. Doing her best to keep her cool while a nice young man just wanted to talk about finding out the sex of his child.

I told him they can be a lot more fun than I’m making them look.

He laughed and said, “Yeah, people are telling me that!”

As a mom of two I have a ton of “wisdom” to share with expecting parents.

overwhelmed edit

That’s why I have this blog. I write it all down. If anybody wants my opinion or advice, they can find it rather easily.

So, instead of bestowing my parenting gems on this poor sap, I just said, “Everybody will want to give you unsolicited advice. Instead of doing that, I’ll just say Congratulations!”

And then once again before leaving, after no progress was made on my dead phone, I said, “Congratulations! That is so exciting!”

I should get a freaking medal.

What type of advice do you give expecting parents? Or do you keep it to yourself?

36 thoughts on “You’re Having A Baby?! Congratulations!

  1. Ai says:

    I try not to overwhelm new parents with advice, unless they ask. But I do like giving advice and sharing what I learned, sometimes the hard way. One good reason to blog! “I’ll give ya all the advice I can think of on my blog … just turn me off when you get tired of it.”

  2. pennypinchingpeach says:

    ha!!! That sounds like a typical day if I try to leave the house with my kiddos, honestly. I just roll with it mostly, but sometimes I’m ready to cry.
    Usually I keep my advice to myself, and leave it with good wishes for them of some kind. Sometimes they make comments or ask questions that lead into a bit of advice, but I usually give something lighthearted but true about remembering how short childhood is and learning to laugh at the insanity they bring into your life.

    • mamabyfire says:

      Usually when I leave the house we only go to ONE place. The verizon store was that extra stop that just topped off the day. Haha! When they ask me questions its a lot harder to keep my filter on and just point out the positive.

  3. Kristina Cappetta says:

    Lol, your little scene in the phone store sounds similar to some of mine with my 2 girls! I always tell expectant or new parents that you never realize how little sleep you actually need to function. I can’t remember the last time I slept until 10…I always used to…in my past life…lol!

  4. Jess says:

    My advice for expecting parents is to ignore all the unsolicited advice and figure out what works for your family. I think that’s what most of us do anyway 🙂

  5. justaudrey says:

    My typical advice to my friends who are expecting is to not listen to anyone’s unsolicited advice… especially family. Someone else will try and tell horror stories (why do we do this??) and offer up their “ingenious” best practices for parenting. The most helpful thing I found was just to figure it out on my own (or through the help of google).

    Oh, and most importantly, just keep smiling/laughing… when you’re having the best day or the worst. Maintaining a positive outlook when you’re literally covered in poop is sometimes the only thing keeping me a little sane. 🙂

    • mamabyfire says:

      Haha! Yes, why is it people like to “one-up” each other on their birth stories? I was terrified before I gave birth the first time…I became good friends with Google too.

      Absolutely! I’m glad I realized the humor when I did. Otherwise I maybe would have lost it. 😄

  6. Rachel E. Bledsoe says:

    Oh, this had me feeling every inch of motherhood upon you entering that store. And the naive nostalgia kicked in remembering the baby in the belly, the days before we knew what parenting was like. And I am also a keeper of advice.

    • mamabyfire says:

      Talking to the guy reminded me so much of being on cloud nine. I remember when people gave me advice I would think to myself, “I won’t be like that. It won’t be as hard/tiring/exhausting for me.” Ha!

  7. Rebekah says:

    Oh no! I haven’t had one of those days in a while, I probably have a couple coming up.
    I try to keep advice giving to a minimum unless they ask and then I still try to stay reigned in unless it is a close friend asking. Or if, like you, I’m writing a blog post. 🙂

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